• Full Capacity 2022 Remaster (MP4) - Jayne

This is the one that began the whole bladder capacity trend on Bound2Burst, before the days of the custom which led to the purchase of the graduated scientific cylinders in regular use today. The objective in "Full Capacity" was never that serious, though many have taken it so and speculated somewhat larger amounts than Jayne actually peed. This version has been upscaled and is clearer than the 2016 remaster, should finally set the record straight. It's all very informal: Jayne had to hold her pee, which drinking, as we ran some errands which included a trip to the hardware store to purchase a graduated jug to measure how much she peed when she finally got to go. On the return journey, we actually encountered a Full Capacity and Jayne became very anxious - by this time she was wickedly desperate and worried that he would not be able to hold on until we got back to the house. She managed it, just, and released a loud torrent of pee into the jug at the earliest opportunity. While the jug was graduated, it was only coarsely so and the graduations were far from clear on video. At the end of the movie, a still of the jug just after purchase is included which just shows the 3-pint graduation. The jug is tilted at an angle, but with a little simple geometry one can work out the curve of where the liquid would be were the jug the upright. The label on the jug serves as a good marker to compare with the second still which shows the jug filled with Jayne's pee, and makes it possible to see that she really did release 1,400 millilitres, plus a little spilled on the floor.

27 minutes 30 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,718.7 MB

Full Capacity 2022 Remaster (MP4) - Jayne

  • $7.99