• Stuck Seatbelt 2 Remastered (MP4) - Jayne


Jayne arrives at a friend house bursting to pee, but when she tries to get out of the car, she discovers her seatbelt has jammed. She phones her friend to come out of the house to help her, but no one answers - it seems that he isn't home! Jayne wrestles desperately with the release mechanism for the belt, but she can't free it. Unable to hold it any longer, she has no choice other than to hang her bottom out of the car and pee through her jeans. We have a chat to Jayne after the story is complete.

9 minutes 59 seconds - 1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 462.5 MB

Stuck Seatbelt 2 Remastered (MP4) - Jayne

  • $5.99